Monkey Grass Woes

We had the sweetest homeowner call us about her troublesome front yard last week. She originally had a nicely manicured yard with a border of monkey grass. But that was years ago. The border had overtaken everything, along with the weeds, and the grass was eating her sidewalk. She just wanted to get rid of the weeds and clean it all up. We took care of it and the yard looks so clean and fresh now.


It all started with this sidewalk. She had a wonderful path straight from the road to the door and it had seen better days. The grass and weeds had encroached so far it was almost impassable. A little TLC brought it back out to its actual size.



As you can see, the monkey grass was a bit of a problem. It was everywhere. She wanted to have it cleaned out to be just a border like it was originally. We pulled out the weeds, took out the unwanted plants, and trimmed up the remaining ones. Fresh mulch topped it off all off.


We couldn’t be happier with this outcome and we love being able to help our customers!

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