Daylight Saving Time

This weekend it happened again.That dreaded time of year. Time to “Spring Forward” and lose an hour of sleep. Well, I know I certainly did. Between trying to trick my body into going to sleep an hour earlier and waking up at what felt like an hour earlier, I’m struggling today.

Most people think DST was started by farmers but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Farmers were actually against it from the very beginning. The time change really messed with their work schedule. They couldn’t harvest hay at the earlier time because it was still wet with dew and they had other activities that couldn’t be performed until temperatures dropped after the sun went down.

DST was started by businessmen around the time of WWI. It was an effort to save energy (coal) that be put toward the war effort.

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WWI-era ad promoting Daylight Saving Time

Our family at AlaMow hopes your family uses the extra hour of daylight this summer to get outside after work and school. Play in the yard, plant some flowers, take a walk. We’re paying for it this morning but hopefully we’ll all be able to reap the rewards soon.

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