Updated Landscaping

Last week we had the pleasure of completely redoing the front landscaping for a wonderful family here in Tuscaloosa. Most of these plants had been in the ground for over 40 years so the tear-out process was more difficult than usual. But we persevered and the results are spectacular! The house looks cleaner, fresher, and up-to-date. Check out the before and after below!



This ground cover will eventually spread out and grow together to create a green bed. Not only will this look beautiful but it will cut down on maintenance costs in the future because the homeowners won’t need to re-mulch as often.



Another before-and-after shot to show just how overgrown the shrubs were. They covered half the window and the homeowner has actually said their house is much brighter now!


If your curb appeal could use an update, please feel free to contact us. We offer free estimates and would love to work with you!

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